Quest Guide

These Quest help info will not be in order from the start to end and all quests won't be here i'm sorry if the information you need isn't here, if you would like information here please ask me and i will gladly add it.

Dec 2013

                                   Pony Race quest     

                                    Who is thinking of the ponies     
                first objective is: Ride over to James located at Fort Pinta and ask him about what has happened to penny and Polly's order.
reward: 5 Jorvik shillings, 5 XP 
reputation: 10 with Fort Pinta
Pony photographer
      Second Objective: Photograph the ponies on the barge with the camera and
Return to James with the pictures.
Reward: 5 Jorvik shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 10 with Fort pinta
No obstacles left on the road
The Third Objective: Let penny know that James has sent their order
           Reward: 10 Jorvik shillings, 5 XP
         Reputation: 10 with Fort pinta

                                            Meet at Pony point
Fourth Objective: Meet Penny at pony point. Pony point is located between Jarl's tomb and silversong river
Reward: 10 Jorvik shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 10 with Fort pinta

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